Friday, March 11, 2011

Mmmmm....Delicious Scents!!

As you know, using high-quality, botanically-based health and wellness products has been an extremely important part of my family's existence for many years. We use lotions and skincare products without mineral oil, parabens, etc...and make sure our nutrition products are vegan-certified, without animal byproducts (also important to not have animal byproducts in cosmetics!!).

The one thing I didn't think about was our home environment. We love good scents...especially candles. I usually have a different scent in each room of our home for variety. Unbeknownst to us, lighting candles produces soot in the air...which we then breathe in (think of all the black stuff on glass jar candles). Ugh.

Thanks to my mother-in-law learning about this, and passing it on - we have made a dramatic change in our home. Since December, I have replaced all our candles with wickfree, soot-free, lead-free warmers. The warmers use a nightbulb light to warm a specially formulated wax that scents the air three times as long as a traditional candle. Yay! And Yum - there are 80 scents to choose from, so my need for variety is fulfilled...and the kids have chosen their own special scents.

A few weeks ago, due to popular request from friends/family/current clients who have witnessed the change in our home, I decided to become a consultant for Scentsy, the line of products who changed our home environment. I am excited to offer the same level of service as our current business...only now with the added benefit of home products as well. I will add more details about Scenty's offerings as I learn them...this is going to be great fun! : )

Check out what Scentsy has to offer:

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